
The primary focus of the feedback site is stakeholder review of the ACR Appropriateness Criteria (AC) topic content and methodology.

The formal review period of new and revised topics will be two months. During this time, anyone who registers on the site may comment, including those stakeholders who are external to the AC document development process. Comments and feedback on all topics may be entered at any time. This website will ensure that your input will be reviewed and addressed at the best time for the topic.

You may suggest new topics, splitting or grouping topics together, suggest new references or evidence for the expert panel to consider, ask questions or clarifications, or comment on the ACR AC process and methodology. The site will help you keep track of your comments and facilitate communication about their review and disposition. Our goal is all input will be reviewed and addressed eventually.

Please let us know if you have any questions at acr_ac@acr.org for the feedback site so we can collect and address your input and comments.